Agora modules released!

Ok, so next order of business!

Before I talk about the paintball stuff, I have to release the sourcecode for the agora drupal modules, something I've been putting of for way too long.

I decided to release them under the beerware license.
So if you like the modules, you can buy me a beer, or even better (since I don't drink any beer, see some blog I made a month or so ago how beer makes you more fat than wine), you can buy me a glass of wine :)

The agora modules consist of 3 separate modules: agora, scoring and link. The agora module keeps it's data in a MySQL table, so it has a agora.install file to create that.

So what do these modules do ?

The agora module uses the tac_lite module to finetune access control for specific taxonomy terms. To link an access role together with a taxonomy term and a password, and all of this by some user who is allowed to create such a tuple, the agora module provides a nice interface to do this. You can enter a name for the role (which is the same name for the taxonomy term) and enter a password. The role is then created. Of course, creating this is not enough. People actually have to be able to activate this role. The agora module also provides an interface for this. That's all it does. The agora module is the only one of the 3 that is probably not general purpose. I wrote is specifically for the agora site.

The scoring module allows administrators to assign scores for each content type posted, content posted under certain taxonomy terms, comments attached to certain content types, etc. It provides a nice admin interface to enter the scores and a block to show the Top-10. User scores are calculated on the fly, unlike the userpoints module, which keeps that data in some mysql table.

Finally, the link module provides a new content type. Users are able to post a link together with a description. There is also an overview page with the last 50 links. There's no more to it.

The agora modules can be found here.
Have fun with them :)